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NFT Ownership

Handcrafted Profile Pictures (PFPs)

The capsule design can be interchangeably swapped with a PFP-style illustration that was carefully designed and hand-drawn by our artists, Seerlight and Kaejunni.

Additional Collections

The team is actively working on additional collections underneath the Capsule House umbrella. Holders will always be first on the list to attain them and may even have a hand in deciding what they receive. https://opensea.io/collection/...

Community Treasury

Web3 is a space that breaks down the walls between team and community. The Capsule House community treasury is used to support and empower our community. Holders can submit proposals to build projects, create works, art derivatives that grow the Capsule brand, and any other idea they want to pursue. These proposals are then voted upon by the community for approval. Holders that want the full details or are interested in submitting a proposal can navigate to:https://forum.capsulehouse.io/


Themed after the Capsule House brand, the team aims to expand beyond clothes to add additional details. Holders will always get first dibs on merchandise and the opportunity to win free items through community events.


Each variant has a story, every background is a teaser to the world. While the Capsuleverse story will be available to the larger community, holders will have the chance to influence it through community events and will always have exclusive access to any special editions, art drops, and early teasers.

More to Come!

The team will always be looking to provide continuous value to our holders and community. The best place to look at what’s in store is our Roadmap.

The Zodiac Capsule

Secret Garden

a music laboratory that seeds new species of immersive audiovisual experiences, rediscovering the experience of sound.